Service | Hycast

Hycast - Service

Protect your investment

Increase productivity. Reduce cost. Boost uptime.

Hycast is know for outstanding service levels and customer satisfaction. Our service engineers travel the world to ensure that equipment delivered by Hycast works and performs exactly as it should.

When investing in state-of-the-art equipment with long expected lifetime, correct operation and proper maintenance of equipment impacts the return on your investment. Hycast takes pride in being a long-term partner, making sure that your assets perform as expected.

Hycast can offer both half-yearly and yearly services included training of operators. A dedicated support plan combined with proven and high quality parts will secure casthouse uptime, high productivity and low operational costs.

A support plan can be agreed and signed at the time of purchase, during the project execution or any time before the equipment has been in operation for 3 months.

Key support plan features:

  • Best practice available on Sharepoint
  • Priority first line telephone support all weekdays
  • Priority email support witin 24 hrs
  • Priority remote support (VPN) within 24 hrs
  • On-site support within 72 hrs, all over the world
  • Yearly onsite visit and technical review with status report
  • 4 months additional guarantee on new equipment

Our customers can choose basic or premium package, depending on specific needs.

Please read more on the link below.

Download support plan

General inquiries

Hycast AS

Industriveien 49

6600 Sunndalsøra, Norway

Hotline - customer service

Support Plan Customers

Priority telephone support BASIC: 07:00 - 15:00 CET (Monday-Friday)

Priority telephone support PREMIUM: 07:00 - 22:00 CET (all weekdays)
